Does God Answers Our Prayers ?

Sometimes that question comes from a doubtful person, but sometimes that question is asked by a person with Prayers answered by God. Who are you in this scenario? the first person or the second?

If you are the person that received prayer answer from God, please do write and share your prayer, how did you pray or what was your exact prayer that worked and answered by God. Your prayer will be published and shared here, you may put your fullname into it and the exact date that God answered your prayer.

Each of us pray to God in a different way, although there are so many prayers on the internet that can be used and are proven to be working and asnwered by God and Jesus Christ. You can find these answered prayers, and they have complete list and actual written prayers, so you can copy and memorize them the say it to God.

How do you pray to God ?

Do you read other prayers? do you ask any older person how to pray ? Let us know. You need to share how you pray so people will be able to understand why God did not answer your prayers, and we will know why God answered your prayers.

Praying to God should come from your heart, though you need to learn the proper way of praying but most of the content of your prayer should come from your mind and heart. God wants to listen to you, so you need to tell him what is that you are asking to him, when you speak to God from your heart and mind, then God will understand and clearly understand your point and prayer.

When should you pray to God ?

Do you pray to God when you are in trouble? when you are asking for something? or when you are alone and sad ? God will listen to you whatever your reasons is, God loves you. Most people pray to God when they need something, but you also need to pray to praise God, to say thank you for your life and the good things that happened to you and your family.

Where do you pray to God ?

Have you heard that God is everywhere? so is it okay to pray to God everywhere you are? Many people debated this, some people believe that God is not everywhere but some do believe God is everywhere. Whatever the truth is, just pray to God when you feel you need to, but you may pray to God to where he is, you need to find God's place, that place is Church. A place , a group of people, a church where God lives. God lives in your mind and heart, God will be without where ever you are, so just call him.

Reasons why God dont answer our prayers

What do you think are the reasons why God did not answer your prayers? have you asked God if you are sincere in your prayers? you are praying because it will do good thing to you and the people that is involved in your prayer? are you praying to praise God when he answer your prayer? These are the questions you need to ask yourself. Is your prayer for everyone that is involved, or did you pray for your own benefit and the others will be crying?

Sample prayer for everyone that both involve will benefit

If you are playing against another basketball team, you may pray that God thank you that we are gathered here together healthy and strong and all are ready for the game, God, i pray that you will protect us all, that the referee will be able to see everything that both sides will be satisfied with the referees decision. God i pray that nobody gets injured while playing, that everyone will be satisfied with the result of the game and be thankful to you for giving us the chance to play with each other. God i pray that we all see and realized that basketball game is not about winning but about playing a healthy sport together and happily.

Learning how to pray to God

Non of us really knows when our prayers will be answered, so let us keep on praying and learn how to pray and share those prayers that work, again we will publish your answered prayers here. Do not worry if God seems not to answer your prayer, do not stop praying to God, do not stop praising God. Always remember that there are billions of people on Earth, you are just one of them, people are also praying too, so just wait for God to answer your prayers.

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